Predictions for birth number 9 and fadic number 2

Numerology number 2You are under the influence of Mars & Moon.
How to calculate your birth number : If you are born on dates 9,18,27 of any months, then your birth number is 9.
How to find your fadic number : if you are born on 11th June 1983, 1+1+6+1+9+8+3 = 29.
2+9 = 11.
1+1 = 2
So, your fadic or destiny number is 2.


Their Fadic Number and Birth Number are opposed to each other. So people with unsuitable names will harm themselves. If men, they will get worries through women and vice versa.
Some will suffer from chronic diseases. Even if they happen to belong to a rich family and possess all comforts, they cannot avoid getting worried.

Some persons of this category look handsome with an attractive appearance. They are also highly intelligent. These people are obstinate by nature. Whatever others may advise, they will go their own way. They express their views bluntly. So others misunderstand them. They will act impulsively as if they are bold and in the mid-stream they will get confused. They are experts in cross-examination-and argument.
They believe in God and they are attached to their religion. They will also make a deep study of the aspects of their religion. They are good at settling disputes between two parties by examining their problems. If they are employed, they will have to face constant opposition in their office. They come forward to help others and share their joys and sorrows. As a result, they will have some staunch friends who will do anything for them.

Life Style

They possess knowledge of many things. So they are able to influence people through their talks, writings and actions. Their enemies will be afraid of them. But they always have to face opposition in one form or other. Though they get a good name by their helpful nature, they suddenly become rude. It spoils their image. The good will earned by their many acts is lost by one outburst of rudeness.

Sometimes they remain alone and worry about their life. They get peace of mind by looking at natural scenery, old art galleries, waterfalls, beautiful buildings and sea costs. People with unsuitable names do not get a happy married life. Further, at least one child is affected seriously in some way.

Suitable Name and Naming Method

They have good knowledge of law, religion, mathematics, astrology, philosophy and medicine. Many people of this category become doctors, businessmen, industrialists and officers. But people with unsuitable names suffer much mentally. Hence they should alter their names suitably.

People of this category may form names in the numbers of Venus or Mercury.
Venus numbers are: 6, 15, 24, 33,42,60,69, etc.
Mercury numbers are: 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 77, etc.


They will earn money through contracts, commission work, agencies, agriculture, food products, writing, paper and luxury articles.


They may be affected by piles, stomach trouble, urinary disorder, diseases due to excess of heat, diabetes, heart disease and blood pressure. These can be cured.

Numerology Tips

Lucky numbers : 5, 6
Lucky dates : 5, 6, 14, 15, 23, 24
Lucky stones : Moon stone, Pearl, Cat’s eye
Lucky colours : Pale blue, Yellow, Blue
Unsuitable dates : None
Unsuitable colours : None