Transit JUPITER in Aspects to Natal PLUTO

Natal Pluto is the sign where your Pluto was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Pluto in Sagittarius, then your natal house is Sagittarius (Dhanus Rasi) and during transit, JUPITER forming conjunction (in Sagittarius), sextile … Read more

Transit Mercury in Aspects to Natal Pluto

Natal Pluto is the sign where your Pluto was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Pluto in Sagittarius, then your natal house is Sagittarius (Dhanus Rasi) and during transit, MERCURY forming conjunction (in Sagittarius), sextile … Read more

Moon Effects in Vikari Nama Samvatsara (2019-20)

Moon (Chandra Graha) is the Dhanyadhipati (Cereals and food items) for Vedic New Year Vikari Nama Samvatsara (2019-20). Food grains will have increased demand and rates in market. All businesses related to liquids (water, soft drinks, alcohol), education will do good. More people in asian countries … Read more

Anger Management of each Zodiac Moon Sign

Everyone gets angry at some point of time and either they express it physically, verbally or just absord it and remain silent. There are triggering points of anger for each zodiac Moon Sign, based on Astrology. As Moon controls mind, our moon signs indicate what irritates … Read more

Ashwagandha Health Benefits and Usage

Withania Somnifera, Ashwagandha, Indian Gooseberry, How to make Ashwagandha powder, For Childless couples, increase height of children, Mental stress and agitation, Sexual weakness, Weak Children, Anemia, Free Urine and burning sensation while urinating, Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Antioxidants. Ashwa meaning horse and Gandha meaning smell in Sanskrit. Withania … Read more

Meanings of Markings and Symbols in Palm

Markings and Symbols in a Palm are Positive or Negative interruptions and blockages in the normal flow of the palm lines, mounts and fingers. Few symbols or markings like Triangles indicate positive energy or results and symbols like crosses indicate negative results based on the line … Read more