How Each Zodiac Moon signs exact Revenge

Revenge is the purest form of emotion. Each Zodiac Moon Sign hits back in their own way when they are hit. Their feeling of Revenge comes from deep within the heart and is true to its cause. Either we take our Revenge or drop it or … Read more

Jupiter in 12 different signs and Luck factor

Jupiter’s position by sign in the Rasi Chakra (that is, the sign that Jupiter occupies in the birth chart) reveals how we attract luck and good fortune and also express our generosity and tolerance. It shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. … Read more

Favourite color and your likes or dislikes

Everyone has some favourite colours and some colours which he/she dislikes. This attraction and repulsion towards colours is an indicator of one’s character. A person’s character can to a certain extent be judged from his/her likes & dislikes regarding different colours. Brown: If Brown is your … Read more

Personal Growth Through Struggle

What happens to you is not as important as your reaction to what is happening to you. But it also said something else I thought was strange for a motivational writer: All your growth will depend on your activity. Your strength and growth will come only … Read more