Anacyclus Pyrethrum or Pellitory Root (Akarkara) Medicinal Usages & Precautions

Anacyclus Pyrethrum, Akkalakarra , Mount atlas daisy & Spanish chamomile, Pellitory, Chest pain, Joint pain And Body pains, Asthma, Tongue, Teeth, Throat disease, Headache, Libido, Impotency, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Dry Mouth, Toothache, Cold Cough, Delayed Speech development in Children, Aphrodisiac. Anacyclus Pyrethrum is the scientific … Read more

Saturn in Taurus or Libra, aspected by other Planets

Karmic planet Saturn if placed in Friendly sign of Taurus (Vrishabha) and exalted sign of Libra (Thula) and aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus delivers different results according to Vedic Astrology. These aspects should be measured from an individual horoscope casted based on … Read more

Punarnava (Spreading Hogweed or Boerhavia Diffusa) Health Benefits

Punarnava in sanskrit means that which rejuvenates or renews the body. It is also known as red spiderling,spreading hogweed, boerhavia diffusa or tarvine. Its leaves are used to prepare medicines and also in regular cooking in India. Boerhavia diffusa is widely dispersed, occurring throughout India, the … Read more

Banyan Fruit improves vitality among men and women

Indian Banyan or Ficus benghalensis, is the National tree of India and it bears its fruits mostly in summer and around. Usually, we lose our energy levels due to excess heat in summer and banyan fruits can help us regain the lost energy and vitality. Method … Read more