Anacyclus Pyrethrum or Pellitory Root (Akarkara) Medicinal Usages & Precautions

Anacyclus Pyrethrum, Akkalakarra , Mount atlas daisy & Spanish chamomile, Pellitory, Chest pain, Joint pain And Body pains, Asthma, Tongue, Teeth, Throat disease, Headache, Libido, Impotency, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Dry Mouth, Toothache, Cold Cough, Delayed Speech development in Children, Aphrodisiac. Anacyclus Pyrethrum is the scientific … Read more

Ayurvedic cure for Stuttering or Stammering

Inability to speak words clearly or jumbling up of words while speaking is stammering. Also lack of proper prnounciation, thick tongue which is unable to spell few tongue twisters, fear complex while speaking in public can also lead to stammering. Stuttering or stammering is a speech … Read more