Aquarius Yearly

Aquarius Kumbha Rasi Predictions
Dhanishta 3 & 4 quarters, Satabisha, Poorvabhadrapada 1,2,3 quarters

Aquarius DailyAquarius WeeklyAquarius MonthlyAquarius Yearly


Income : Expenditure :: 8 : 14 (ratio)
Compliment : Insult :: 7 : 5 (ratio)

An overview of the year 2025

Jupiter in 4th house till mid May and then in 5th and 6th houses, Rahu in 2nd house and Ketu in 7th house till end of May, later Rahu in 1st house and Ketu in 7th house, Saturn in 1st house till end of March and then in 2nd house, together determine the major transit results this year.

In this year’s chart, Saturn the ruling planet of your sign is badly placed in 1st house. Sun and Moon in 11th house is partially good, but and retrograde Mars in 6th is bad and this causes some injuries and blood related diseases.
In 2025 your situation can improve slightly after May, but still act cautiously.
In 2025 Saturn has some unfavorable and negative effects for Aquarians. Everything looks to be out of control and not in place. Ketu in 8th house adds up to some more sudden spiritual progress. However, Rahu can cause some disappointing moments regarding money.

2025 with respect to different aspects in your life

Active participation in charitable services, visiting religious places, Value addition in business, recovery of bad debts, gains through speculations, effortless monetary gains, success in sports or cultural competitions can be predicted. Status and reputation will be heightened in society. Commencement of new business leads to profits. You will have upper hand in any disputes or arguments. Gain of gold or silver ornaments can be predicted. Gain of fixed assets, like house or landed property, and also profits in new contracts are indicated. Heavy responsibilities in family, depression, nervous weakness are possible. Health needs attention and care. Using medication becomes necessary.

Secret enemies and fear of theft may create obstacles for recovery of money, but finally you will be able to receive money. Physical strain and fear of theft are unavoidable. Changes in residence or place can be predicted. Efforts to commence new undertakings will be successful. Those working in handicrafts will not incur any loss. But your ego and arrogance may lead to losses. Never blame anyone. Your higher education, critical thinking, grasping abilities will not be of any use. This creates psychological upsets because of your sensitive nature. Prayers give you peace.

Employees will work hard and get name and fame. Intelligence and hard work will be suitably rewarded. Those working in government sectors will get promotions with transfers. Increments and cooperation of authorities also indicated. Buying landed property or house, growth in fixed assets, child birth in family, and elevated status in society can be expected. Those working in private sector also enjoy benefits with the cooperation of authorities. Change of job with increased salary is also possible. Unemployed will get employment. Contract employees will become permanent. Life will be settled.

Politicians can expect good relations, name and fame in public. Nominated post can be expected with the recognition of high command. Success is possible in elections. Unexpected cooperation from those worked against you is also possible. Huge expenditures are unavoidable.

Favorable period for artists. Many opportunities indicated for directors, technicians, and singers in the field of T.V or cinema. Financial stability in life can be expected. Awards and rewards also indicated. Construction of house, buying new vehicles, and comforts all are indicated.

Gains and profits indicated for all businessmen. Growth is possible with your strategies in business. Commencement of new business is also possible. Favorable for wholesalers and retailers, hotel business and groceries. Profits indicated in partnership business. Huge gains are possible for those in finance business, real estate, storage of goods, and shares. Gains are possible for those in construction of houses. Moderate results can be expected in textile business.

Favorable for the students. With their concentration in studies, good ranks in competitive examinations and admissions in reputed colleges can be expected. Efforts will be successful for seeking education in foreign country. Favorable for those in sports. Success and medals are indicated. Also placement in national and international teams can be expected.

Farmers and lease farmers get good returns in two crops. Huge returns indicated in agriculture. Past debts will be cleared and savings will increase. Better results can be expected in poultry business. Huge profits in commercial crops and losses in fruit gardens are possible.

For Women: A very good period can be expected. You will not have any opposition and your words will be accepted by all. You will have special attraction in family and also respect from every one can be predicted. Gain of valuable items is indicated. Fixed assets will be registered in your name. Employed can expect transfers with promotions. Cooperation of authorities is also indicated. Health needs attention and care. Minor health problems, change in residence or place are inevitable. Unmarried get married this year. Pregnant Women will be blessed with a baby boy through normal delivery. Minor problems with spouse, psychological stress, anxiety in few issues, and inconvenience is also indicated. Care need to be taken.

Remedies : Visit religious places and practice strict moral values on saturdays. Avoid money matters on Tuesdays.

Your new year resolution for year 2025 : Will try to maintain low profile and stay away from controversies.

Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.