Mars Stationary Retrograde 2022-2023 will in between Taurus (Vrishabha) and Gemini (Mithuna) during 4 September 2022 – 15 March 2023.
Mars has already entered Retrograde zone in Rohini Nakshatra of Taurus on 04 September and enters Gemini on 15 October 2022 at 18:37 IST.
It enters Stationary Retrograde zone from 30 October 2022, where it slows down until it starts retrograde motion at 18:47 IST on same date.
Between 30-31 October, Mars is absolutely stationary and does not move much.
With this retrograde motion, Mars re-enters Taurus (Vrishabha) on 14 November 2022 at 07:59 IST.
Mars will get into direct motion in Taurus on 14 January 2023 at 02:19 IST.
On 12 March 2023 at 23:41 IST, Mars re-enters Mithuna rasi.
It will be under retrograde zone until 15 March 2023 and later transit at normal pace.
During these Seven and Half months, Mars hardly moves half a sign, where as at normal pace, it should transit through 5 signs.
During these 193 days, Mars will create troubles for people born with Moon in Aries (Mesha), Taurus (Vrishabha), Gemini (Mithuna), Libra (Thula), Scorpio (Vrischik) and Aquarius (Kumbha) rasi born.
Mars also creates problems for those born with moon in Rohini, Mrigasira, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Swati, Visakha, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Satabhisha and Dhanishta nakshatras.
Mars, when it assumes retrograde motion in transit, is disruptive and brings in major changes in our individual lives as well as all over the world. Current transit of Mars in Taurus, that began on 10th August is currently in a dormant stage, waiting to explode in October 2022.
Things around us must have started changing and this shift in our lives and destiny will continue till we are committed beyond a point till 16th October.
It is after that the real colour of this current transit of Mars will emerge that will eventually bring many changes till 15th March 2023.
Mars usually takes about 45-50 days in a zodiac sign but the current transit of Mars will run for 190+ days while it transits less than 1 sign.
Mars Closest to Earth during October 2022 – January 2023
Mars will turn retrograde between 30 October 2022 – 14 January 2023, and during this time it will come very close to Earth, increasing its marital influence exponentially.
Increase incidents of aggression, fires, natural calamities, and behavior changes during this high octave transit.
During this period, Venus is combust and Jupiter remains retrograde which further dampens any hope of control over Mars.
Transit of Mars in a sign indicates how people respond when they are angry and how they react to the anger in others.
Mars in Taurus offers low physical drive and level of activity. Mental concentration is high.
Few people with Mars conjunct or aspect Venus can have multiple affairs at same time, which also can lead to disputes.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, meaning that our actions will be driven more by financial decisions, beauty, values, and we may all be a little more focused on pleasures and love.
We will be more inclined to look for material and physical comforts and attracted to beautiful things of lasting value.
Stationary and Retrograde Mars also creates dilemma, confusion and few wrong or late decisions resulting in losses for those born in Ascendants or Moon Signs of Aries, Scorpio or with moon in Rohini, Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanishta nakshatras.
Political and Climatic Effects of Mars Stationary Retrograde 2022-2023 in Gemini-Taurus
Four planets (Mercury, Sun, Venus, Ketu) in Libra along with 1 Solar and 1 Lunar Eclipses during October-November 2022 with aspect of Retrograde Mars and Saturn, brings huge natural calamities.
Huge cyclone in Bay of Bengal hits coastal Indian states.
Speculators lose heavily due to volatile market and uncertain planetary position.
Gold and Silver prices increases. Accidents and mishaps can occur in tourist places.
Earth quake in China is possible.
Robberies and fire accidents also increase.
Mars stationary in Taurus is bad for few European counties, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Korea.
For Individual effects on each Sign by Stationary-Retrograde Mars 2022-23, Click Here….