Essential oils and the chakras

Started by Guia K Monti, August 25, 2009, 06:55:14 PM

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Guia K Monti

There are essential oils that can be burned or used in massage. The ones to be burned give a wider choice of combinations, as some are irritants to the skin and are not safe to use in massage, while they are very effective when burned.
Some oils, either used on their own or in combination, can be used to stimulate the chakras. If applied on the skin they act on the physical level, if burnt they act through the sense of smell and brain stimulation.
Here are some of the most common examples:

First chakra -grey amber, cinnamon, musk

Second chakra - Lemon grass, honeysuckle

Third chakra -orange, sandalwood, oak musk

Fourth chakra - rosemary, clover, mimosa

Fifth chakra - vainilla, violet, ylang ylang

Sixth chakra - lavander

Seventh chakra - myrrh, lotus

Please note: DO NOT USE THESE OILS DIRECTLY ON THE SKIN: Lemon grass, orange, myrrh, clovers, cinnamon, rosemary, oak musk as they are strong irritants. Only burn these oils in an oil burner.


no wonder 7th crown chakra is in lotus shape with 1000 petals


cinnamon, musk, amber, orange, lemon, sandalwood, rosemary, lavander oils can be easily found