aura color test

Started by Sharmila, June 20, 2009, 12:32:31 PM

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this is a crap...
I took the test thrice ..same question ,  provided same ans each time but got three different  results , Green, red and blue..
this is  nonsense ....hehe


ohhh ... to have faith is good but blind faith is not good.....

what is ur explanation for the test i performed on this program...
this are the things being programed just for time pass how can a software will tell you about ur aura color.
software is developed by human, my question, is anyone has told you till this date what the aura color of your body is????
no certainly not,   so how  can a person can develop this program...


thats not someone\'s personal software or test to offer explanations
try it or leave it
no point in arguments


commo\'n if u dont feel like believing it , just think that u had done it for fun ....