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Big Bash T20 League 2015-2016 Predictions

Started by Anoo, November 22, 2015, 05:03:40 PM

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Astrology Predictions for KFC Big Bash T20 Cricket League matches played between 17 december 2015 - 24 january 2016 in Australia

Complete Schedule of BBL 2015-16


Few stats of BBL

Total 35 matches played in 2014
out of these one was a tie and one game washout , interesting point was .
17 games won by 2nd bat
16 games won by 1st bat
out of 16 that first bat won 9 games were straight win and 7 games though first bat won but 2nd bat gave complete fight and even reached to comfortable positions n lost . As tournament will proceed will share time to time about probabilities of winning the  match and winning the trophy .
Regards  :)

Star Dust

Tosses in BBL happen 45 mins prior to match, like last year, if someone wants to determine Asc/Dsc based on toss result
In a day..when u dont come across any problems... you can be sure that you are traveling in wrong path - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

Star Dust

17 December 2015 : Team which does well in 1st innings will lose game as other team dominates during chase
In a day..when u dont come across any problems... you can be sure that you are traveling in wrong path - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


1st match 2nd bat will win
2nd match 2nd bat will win
3rd match should be a jp .

Regards  ;)


1st Match, Sydney Thunder vs Sydney Sixers, 17th Dec, 19:40 Local, Sydney

Sydney Sixers will win the match. :)
If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience..


The team who have won the toss will win the match.


Team that starts well will control entire 1st innings and also make a strong comeback towards end of 2nd innings to win (if match ends within 190 mins)


I think tosses this season are happening 40 mins before match.
So whoever wins toss ontime, plays well during initial overs and also control entire match


On sunday, in afternoon match, whoever wins ontime toss, can start strongly in 1st PP and make a late comeback in 2nd innings to win it