quick remedy for period-pain

Started by poori, April 28, 2009, 03:34:05 PM

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Being a gal i know how this pain kills gals literalyi on those days..
In the process of getting relief from it, gals usually go for meftal spas tabs or berolgon injection. they dnt know these english medicines give only temporary relief. that is too by blocking bleeding. By which the bad blood forms like blocks inside n find no way to go out which in turn reduces the fertility chances of that gal. sounding horrible right?? But its true..
The one main thing they need to know is ayurved remedies gives quick n permanent relief with no harm. even they are cheap n freely available in market.

well lemme give u the remedies..


1) fry vaamu(ajwain) n powder along with misry(sugar blocks). take this a spoon with a glass of water in paining periods. it will give u relief in 20mins.
   taking other days are also recommended.

2) fry vaamu in ghee n powder. add enough salt to it n have 1-2 spoons daily with rice.

3) extract juice from mint leaves n have it in periods. it gives immediate  relief.

4) roots of otaheite gooseberry (nela usiri) are pasted with water collected from washing rice(biyyamu kadigia neeru). having this paste or make kashayam of that roots by boiling it in the above mentioned water in those 5days heavy bleeding will come into control n stops pain also.

5) hibiscus roots are to be grounded n consume it mixing in milk will keep that person away from other(vaatam valla vachina) stomach pain.





eating jaggery and drinking water is also one method


i found easiest method
2 days before period starts make pepper powder n keep it aside

once you get paid, take 10gm of jaggery(old , dark brown colored) with 10gm of pepper powder and 1 spoon ghee(cow\'s preferable) and chew them all together

in 2-3 minutes you\'ll get relief from pain