Women became a JOKE because of TV serials

Started by Ranjana, April 29, 2009, 12:32:42 PM

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interesting post :lol::lol: i always make fun of my mom for watching them throughout the day


since few days m noticing a very common point in stories of all serials (hindi n telugu), is that the story revolves round between a man n 3/4 wives or a lady with 2/3 husbands..

god..!! who said few advertisements r badly impacting viewers? why dnt our indian tv/film departments work on these serials which r ruining indian relationship values??

serials r full of over action n stupid twists n dirty storylines..


no use blaming the makers for this
they claim that viewers are watching so they\'re making
its viewers mistake

Ravi Varma

pravin kumar


There are so many serials and in almost all women are involved and women only watch them and feel entertained. There was a joke going around in Laughter Challenge on Star One that a person if he entered his house between 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. could not even talk to his wife nor get any food till her serials are over. He blamed it on E... .....r  for all those KKKK  related serials.

Pravin Kumar



just try to change their mind set away from those serials i did it more than 50% successful with my mom,now she watches many cricket matches,news channels,cooking,travel & living....etc.But non of my ideas worked out on my sis.