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Astrology Question

Started by sonipravin, May 07, 2010, 10:56:48 AM

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Dear Learned Astrologers,

I want to know about this Girl who has given me No.12 Numerological Number at the local time in San Francisco at 5.38 p.m. Thursday corresponding to 6.08 a.m. Friday (today) morning at Bombay.

1. Her married life -- personal relationship

2. Health.

3. Career.

I have her Date of Birth which is 19/12/1984 in Fiji. She does not know the time of birth.

Pravin Kumar


based on DOB and number 12,
her marriage will be delayed due to saturn occupying 7th house, though exalted.
also, 7th lord in 10th(venus) shows delayed marriage.
love matters will not favour much as 5th sublord is behind 11th house. and also she will face some heartbreaks before marriage

health will not be strong as saturn+moon aspect lagna.
she may be suffering from breathing problems(sinus, cold etc) or nervous weakness

career looks smooth though but her sade-sathi started few months back, so she need to be careful at work too.

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire




Her biggest weakness is her relationship problem according to her palm prints. She has probably had 2 breakups too in personal relationship. Thanks for your reading.

Pravin Kumar




She has confirmed one relationship break up and her marriage to me appears to be in 30/31. She has nervous problems as is very evident and more so since she had one break up and this is dwelling too much on her mind.

Thanks for your reading. How will career shape up?

Pravin Kumar