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help 2 get promotion

Started by jaggia, July 09, 2009, 04:09:34 PM

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My house is v. near the sea beach, about 500 metres only. i am grateful 4 the advice. i shall do so v. soon. i have already noted the 6 things 2 b avoided. if one finds difficult to avoid as u know these days all parties are drinks plus non-veg type, which day one must strictly observe?  and on which day perhaps some relaxation could be possible, if at all. it\'s rather silly but then i hv high B.P. and doctors say that 1 or 2 pegs about 2 - 3 times a week helps 2 keep it under control, and this is in addition to the daily tablet.


strictly avoid on saturdays , mondays and wednesdays (days for indians mean from sunrise to next day sunrise..not mignight to midnight as westeners )
i suggested such remedies to few in past but they keep coming back saying that it doesnt give them any relief ..its because they assume saturday is over at midnight and they are always waiting for reasons to booze

thats a good method to bury pot of gingelly oil under water flow.
also there\'re few easy ways which you can follow without much effort and cost.

1. everyday take some amount of rice flour and mix with equal amount of sugar and pour it inside your compund where you see ants as their food

if you dont have ants at your place, go find where they are
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


Great. on the advice of my mom, i am already putting 1 fistful of white rice to ants daily. tht is the greatness of village wisdom. now i will mix some sugar in it as per ur advice. also pls tell me if it is alright to put rice as it is or i shud make atta of it and then put.
ur points on days i hav noted well. in fact most ppl do the mistake as pointed by u. but i am not greedy 2 look 4 relaxations. i shall try to avoid as much as possible. 4 ur info, i used to  drink daily 2-3 pegs about 3 years ago, then reduced to 3rice a week, then twice. now it is just 1 time a week, that too just abt 2 pegs. many a time i do skip it too & wait 4 next week.


making flour of rice would be best for ants
sugar need not be powdered further

village wisdom is often neglected these days as people in cities think they are more educated and know all.
what has this education system given them?
they cant even open a bank account themselves while in college

in good olden days people didnt suffer much because they followed simple remedies are part of daily life which eased everything for them

sikhs have a good custom of cooking and feeding food at gurudwaras.
 i used to visit such a place sometime back when i was in Usa on sundays.
you can continue such things
blessings of animals, insects and humans around us will always help and protect us
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


Yes, i entirely agree. i want 1 more clarification. some mahatma told me to put 1 fistful of grains mixed 4 -5 varieties (greengram, redgram, chana dal, wheat, rice etc) also to birds daily in the m/ning. pls clarify whether split dal is okay to put or it shud be put as whole grains only.


its your choice..usally split are used to make it easy for birds
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


thanks u removed my unnecessary doubt.
i also like to share an experience. when i put grains in the m/ning, i noticed that the crows dont easily allow the humble birds like sparrows to come near and pick the grains. but i dont want to scare the crows as i thought i shud not interfere in the process of nature. secondly, i found that almost all the birds relish rice grains more than the remaining and they are double quick to pick rice first, and go for the other grains only if rice is not found. shows that they are fond of rice or that it is more tasty.


nature shows us so many ways to help it and get help in return
but its general human tendency to shut his eyes for nature and start complaining that none are helping him
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


my mom says that it is better to split bigger grains like kabuli gram so tht the sparrows cud pick and swallow easily.