Jupiter in Sagittarius [Dhanus Rasi] from 4 November 2019, Effects on 12 Signs

Started by OMkaar, October 12, 2019, 06:01:44 PM

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Jupiter is very close to Pluto which is again causing rise in number of infections. This week, it will cross pluto and USA, India will witness more infections.


Quote from: DCP on November 08, 2020, 10:11:50 AM
Jupiter is very close to Pluto which is again causing rise in number of infections. This week, it will cross pluto and USA, India will witness more infections.

is there any possibility of another lockdown that can be imposed in india considering pandemic?

Star Dust

no more lockdowns but restrictions continue in few states until March 2021
In a day..when u dont come across any problems... you can be sure that you are traveling in wrong path - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA