husband's job / career / education

Started by vlbedoc, June 11, 2017, 01:46:38 AM

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Hello .. I used to be very active in this forum about 2-3 years ago but then life became busy, I had kids and lost touch here. A lot of the predictions that Varenya, Virinchi, JayTee and others made have come true.

I am here again because I was hoping to get some help regarding my husband's career. He recently (since Oct 2016) took a new role in the company which pays great but the boss is not good. I have never seen him so unhappy with his job. He waited few months to see if things improve but now he says it is time to start looking for a new job within or outside the company. Can you guide whether he will be able to find a good new job anytime soon? He would prefer to stay within the current company (he has been with it since 12 years) as he is also in the process of applying to top business schools for which he needs recommendations.
Which brings me to my next question.. will he get in? He applied to his top choice university in April but got waitlisted and we are waiting for them to tell us whether he got in. They said they will let him know by end of June. He will also be applying to other choices - one in July, other two in sept/oct. Any help / advice will be appreciated! Thank you!

BD: Mar 2, 1982
BT: 5:32 am
BP: 23.02° N, 72.57° E


Irrespective of what he studies now (or not), his career will start going down from March 2019.
Between 2019-35, there will be few years without job or staying away from family. This is most toughest period, financially.
Both of you will face a common tough time during 2020-22.
He will continue to have low periods again during 2028-33.
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !