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Job change advice needed

Started by NaveenK, February 08, 2014, 01:13:51 AM

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Dear seniors,

I am currently abroad and due to some reasons i had to quit my current job. I just have 3 - 4 weeks time to search for a new job or my visa will be terminated. Could you please advice if there is any chance for me to find a job now as I've been searching for a month but nothing is materializing and i have to leave the country at the end of this month if i don't find a job.

DOB - 20-9-87
Time - 12:05 PM
Place - Guntur,AP.

Thanks & Regards



Venus Dasa - Kethu Bhukti - Mercury Antara is running for you. In this, Mercury Antara (29/12/2013 - 27/02/2014) is not good for you. Whenever Mercury period comes, you would face problems / losses in your life, especially in your work related stuffs.

You should've suffered during Mercury Bhukti (28/02/2010 - 28/12/2012) too, especially in its own Antara (28/12/2010 - 24/07/2010). You can cross verify this with your past life events.

Sun Bhukti is starting for you from 27/02/2014. You should get a job after that.

All the very best!
Thanks & Regards,

Whoever you are & whatever you do, if your attitude is not good you are just 'Nothing'.


Thanks Gauranggroups.

You are right, in all my previous mercury periods i have faced lot of issues but towards the end of the period i was rewarded with a positive affect. Hoping the same this time too.


You are most welcome, Naveen!

It's good that you've noted down that you've faced lots of issues during Mercury periods. But you won't get rewarded with positive effect during the end of Mercury period. It's because that you would get Kethu periods after Mercury and that's good for you.

Update me once you get a job. All the very best!!
Thanks & Regards,

Whoever you are & whatever you do, if your attitude is not good you are just 'Nothing'.


Sorry to bump this thread , but things are not at all looking good for me. Its been 8 months since i am out of job and its been very hard for me to find another job. Can some one tell please me is there anything i can do like remedies etc.



Its very hard from next month with Saturn in Scorpio showing adverse effects for you.
You will see some sign of getting a job after dec'2014 but in between july 2015 - july 2016, life will be highly dissatisfying and frustrating.

Try to donate a bunch of Amaranthus every saturday morning to a priest in Siva Temple for few weeks.


Quote from: SaSirEkha on October 23, 2014, 09:50:53 PM
Its very hard from next month with Saturn in Scorpio showing adverse effects for you.
You will see some sign of getting a job after dec'2014 but in between july 2015 - july 2016, life will be highly dissatisfying and frustrating.

Try to donate a bunch of Amaranthus every saturday morning to a priest in Siva Temple for few weeks.

Thanks SaSirEkha ji.

You said signs of job, does that mean i will get a job or is it just an opportunity for a job? In my current situation i am desperate to find a job.

Also please can you tell me what Amaranth are called in Telugu, i tried googling but the results are too confusing.


Star Dust

In a day..when u dont come across any problems... you can be sure that you are traveling in wrong path - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


Quote from: Star Dust on October 23, 2014, 11:10:10 PM

Thanks Star Dust. I too thought its the same but also saw some seeds and other stuff. Thanks for pic  :)


Doesn't want to start a new thread for the same problem, so bumping this again. Its been like 2 years since i was happy and had a job. No respite whatsoever since the start of Saturn transit in scorpio - Nov 2014. Mentally and financially drained. Can someone please advice me will there be an end to this in the near future. Also, any chances of finding a job because things are such that even though i cleared all the rounds of interview last month, i didn't receive the offer letter because of some issue. This was the case for the past two years, even though i clear interviews i dont get the joining letters.

Many thanks