Shortage of Space in Graveyards by 2050

Started by JayTee, April 18, 2010, 02:54:43 PM

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whats this 2050 about?
is there any statistics about land disappearing by next 40 years and only graves left


that must be some random number to show how quick is our population growing and space on earth decreasing


its similar to plastic problem on earth
burying dead bodies is bad for environment too


then NASA will do real estate business on moon


"Arrow can be shot only by pulling the thread backwards.Whenever Life pulls u back,dont worry,it is going to lead you to VICTORY."


they already sold plots on moon long back.
some fools bought them too.

next will be selling graveyard space on mars and saturn


someday when they run out of space for the living, then they will dog out the dead and burn them


even animals were cremated not burned in india in past days
this way you can prevent virus and bacteria in their bodies from spreading

these days electric cremation is safe to save environment too


hope they would realise this shortage of space soon and change their methods


I was recently in HK and came across this news that buying burial space for future has become a good investment in China and HK and burial space being more costly than other real estate.

The price of Shanghai burial plots has soared over the past years, with the most expensive 50,000 yuan (US$7,622) per square meter for high-end spaces. The price is even higher than some local real estate, costing an average of 19,216 yuan (US$2,929) per square meter in March, according to a report on China-based