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Eclipses in 2010 and their effects on us

Started by DCP, December 17, 2009, 10:37:53 AM

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Star Dust

11/july/2010 solar eclipse will occur between 11:45 PM - 2:32 AM (IST) but will be visible in only few south american countries like argentina, brazil, chili, bilivia, iceland
these countries will see tough days ahead

eclipse happens in punarvasu nakshatra of gemini sign.
so people born under mithuna lagna, punarvasu nakshatra, running vimsotari dasa or antardasa of guru will face severe hurdles in life.

people born under leo, capricorn, aries moon signs and lagnas will have better days ahead.
this is more applicable to poeple living in above latin countries only
In a day..when u dont come across any problems... you can be sure that you are traveling in wrong path - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA