Rahu in Cancer, Ketu in Capricorn from 11 September 2017

Started by Paanchajanya, August 03, 2017, 04:06:50 PM

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Rahu and Ketu will be transiting in Cancer (Karkata Rasi) and Capricorn (Makara Rasi) respectively from 02:53 hrs IST on 11 September 2017. (taking TRUE positions of nodes and k.p ayanamsa)

Both these shadow planets will remain in same signs till 03:41 hrs IST on 24 March 2019.
In general, these transits for next 18 months will be beneficial for people born under Moon Signs of Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio (partial), Pisces.
Gemini will regain their lost confidence and health.
Virgos will be preparing well for the upcoming challenges. Can win back few lost friends.
Librans will be blamed by their children but financially rewarding period.
Scorpions will have issues with siblings and close relations but can handle them confidently.


Aries : Health of parents will be a cause of concern. There will be loss within family or close blood relations.
There will be threatening situations at work during September-October 2017. You will miss few deadlines and face criticism for lack of commitment.
Children will become a headache at home.

Taurus : Health of father will deteriorate. Time to get support from siblings.
Short and Long distance travel can be rewarding. Transfers or loss of job can happen in 2018-19. 

Gemini : Financially, this is a challenging period. Some of you can take unusual route to get into a relation.
There will be threats to your health and relations occassionally.

Cancer : Health of a family member will become cause of concern. Avoid arguments within family. Health of partner can deteriorate till October 2017.
Frequent migraines and headaches can be experienced.

Leo : Control temper, else you will lose repuation. There will few chances to exhibit your intelligence and presence of mind. Selfishness will increase. Marital relation will be strained. Avoid extra marital affairs. There will be few sleelpess nights. Chronic diseases can comeback.

Virgo : Children will become a cause of worry. Their future can look uncertain. This is the best time to invest for their future and guide them.
Lost friends will comeback. Jupiter in 2nd house will make sure finances are in control for next 1 year.


Libra : Work will pose multiple problems and challenges. Colleagues will not be in coordination.
Some of you will be victim of bureaucracy. Health of mother will not be good. You will meet influential people and get multiple oppurtunities for growth.
Frequent travelling will drain your energy out.

Scorpio : Except for health of father, rest all will be good.  Some of you will develop thoughts against own religion, customs and traditions.
Relations with siblings will be strained. This is the best time to settle ancestral property issues.   

Sagittarius : Multiple health issues, accidents, threats and hidden fears will come up.  Monetary position will be unstable.  Ketu in 2nd H will give sudden wealth, while Rahu in 8th H will take it away. Saturn's aspect on Ketu till last week of October 2017 can cause delay in matters related to finance, family.

Capricorn :  This time if good only to gain spiritual knowledge and pilgrimage.  Strained relations with partners, weak nerves, insomnia will disturb you.  Stay away from  Show-Off people.  Avoid all illegal and immoral acts.

Aquarius : Good health, control over activities of enemies, courage, cooperation from higher authorities, spiritual progress, enlightenment, assistance from subordinates will be seen.  Saturn aspecting Ketu in 12th house can bring back past health issues. Most of you can suffer from Urinary Tranct Infection (UTI).   

Pisces : Bad relations with children, lovers. Some past relations can end and new will begin. Lack of concentration in materialistic pursuits but good progress in spiritual world. Saturn from 9th house aspecting Ketu in 11th house till October 217 will bring unexpected positive results. New found love or friendship will materialise into a long term relationship.

These predictions are applicable if you Lagna/Ascendant is in begining of those signs

Star Dust

During these 18+ months, whenever any other planet conjuncts Rahu or Ketu (including Sun, Moon crossing eclipses), effects of these 2 nodes will increase.
Most aggressive period will be Ketu, who will have a stationary and retrograde Mars stationary and retrograde, conjunct Ketu in Capricorn during May-October 2018.
That would be the best period for Leo and Pisces born
In a day..when u dont come across any problems... you can be sure that you are traveling in wrong path - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA


Ketu Transit in Capricorn :

  • Ketu in Dhanishta Nakshatra till 03 December 2017, 05:54 IST
  • Ketu in Sravana Nakshatra till 27 September 2018, 07:24 IST
  • Ketu in Uttarashada Nakshatra (2,3,4 quarters) till 24 March 2019, 03:41 IST

Rahu Transit in Cancer :

  • Rahu in Aslesha Nakshatra till 29 April 2018, 11:14 IST
  • Rahu in Pushyami Nakshatra till 07 December 2018, 15:16 IST
  • Rahu in Punarvasu Nakshatra (4th quarter) till 24 March 2019, 03:41 IST

As said above, Mars stationary and retrograde, conjunct Ketu in Capricorn during May-October 2018 is good Leo and Pisces, but also indicates frequent power failures, loss of lives and properties due to sudden changes in climate, revolutionary inventions in electronics, increased usage and promotion of electric vehicles (instead of conventional oil driven).


Rahu moves into Aslesha nakshatra in Cancer sign at 02:53 hrs IST on 11 September 2017. But it wobbles and comes back into Leo on 16 September 2017, 11:09 IST - Magha.
Again on 19 September 2017, 07:00 IST goes back to Aslesha.
Any child born during those days will grow to be an evolved one.
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


Rahu is in Pushyami now. Does it deliver Saturn results ?


Ketu transiting Uttarashada (from 27 September) and Rahu in Punarvasu from 7th december 2018 is good for those born in Ascendants (Lagna) of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius.
Also if your ruling planets are Sun and Jupiter, those planets will give faster results in next few months based on their significations


Rahu in punarvasu, Ketu in uttarashada will trouble if born in Makara, kanya or thula Lagna.