Saturn Transit in Capricorn 2020-2023 Effects on 12 Signs

Started by SaSirEkha, January 05, 2020, 08:59:46 PM

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Vedic Astrology effects of Saturn (Sani) transiting in Capricorn (Makara Rasi) between 23 January 2020 12:42 hrs IST - 16 January 2023 19:50 IST


During these 3 years, Saturn will enter Aquarius once on 27 April 2022 at 15:03 IST and then re-enter Capricorn on 14 July 2022 at 07:08 IST.
Jupiter will be conjunct Saturn in Capricorn from 19 November 2020 (23:38 IST) until 20 November 2021 (00:37 IST).
Till November 2021, Pisces Moon Sign (Meena Rasi) born will have excellent time in all aspects of life.
2020 will be good for Scorpio moon sign born.

In general, Saturn in Capricorn is very good time for people born with Moon in these Nakshatras : Magha, Swathi, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra and Revati.
Struggle for people born with Moon in these Nakshatras :  Arudra, Aslesha, Chitra, Sravana, Poorvabhadra


23 January 2020 12:42 hrs IST - 21 January 2021, 20:46 IST :- Saturn in UTTARASHADA :  Western parts of India (ancient India includes Afghanistan and Pakistan too) like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Maharashtra will be effected.
This period also indicates a WAR like situation in Asia.

21 January 2021, 20:46 IST - 17 February 2022, 04:15 IST :- Saturn in SRAVANA : Few corrupt government officials will get caught. Bad time for bureaucrats, priests, religious heads.
Kalinga (North coastal Andhra - Odisha) will get hit by cyclones and floods.

17 February 2022, 04:16 IST - 16 January 2023 19:50 IST :- Saturn in DHANISHTA(1,2,3) : Bihar, Jharkhand people will have great time. Minerals found under earth like gold, manganese, copper, oils, coal from this place can fetch them unexpected wealth.
Banking sector will pickup and see profits.
All financial institutions, private lendors, chitfund companies can see much better time.

In general, Saturn in Capricorn is great time for Meena, Simha, Vrischika rasi born
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


Aries (Mesha) : Huge changes in your career are indicated. Transfers to unwanted places can also happen.
Saturn being the 'Baadhaka' of this sign, indicates troubled health to mother, disputes with relatives, fatigue due to commuting.
This is best time to plan alternate career or business.
Jupiter+Saturn combination in 2021 is good for spiritual practices.

Taurus (Vrishabha) : Health of family members will be a cause of concern.
Relief from a long term issue can be expected.
Legal issues can be resolved in your favor by late 2020 or early 2021.
Expenditure increases.
Jupiter+Saturn combination in 2021 indicates clarity and progress in career.

Gemini (Mithuna) : Health will not be good and more pressure at work can break you down physically.
There will be few depressing and lonely days ahead.
Family pressure can also take a toll on your mental health.
Jupiter+Saturn combination in 2021 is not good for new relations, jobs or higher studies.

Cancer (Karkataka) : Struggle continues at work. Desired job change may not happen in 2020.
Health of partner deteriorates. Family can be supportive when needed.

Leo (Simha) : Best time to restart career plans which were halted since past 5 years.
Politicians, artists, writers, musicians can have best time in 2020.
Jupiter+Saturn combination in 2021 indicates unwanted disputes at work.

Virgo (Kanya) : Your effort to be back in limelight will not prove fruitful.
Past friends turned foes will be back with you only in 2021.
Financial pressures, legal issues, worrying thoughts about future can cause insomnia.


Libra (Thula) : Positive energy can be felt again after many years.
You will be given ample oppurtunities to prove your talent.
Administrative and creative jobs can be handled with much ease.
Health also improves with flow of money.

Scorpio (Vrischik) : Financial position will improve. 2020 will help you clear debts and improve bank balance.
Favorable time for constructions, buying or selling properties.
Long term investments will now prove to be fruitful.
Speculations can also be better than past few years.
Need to perform a Havan in January 2020 to get rid of existing negative energies.

Sagittarius (Dhanus) : Health of self and family members can keep you worried.
Financial position will be somewhat better than past.
Nobody wants your advice or suggestion.
Do not change jobs or career path until 2023.

Capricorn (Makara) : Chronic and hereditary diseases can come back.
You need to take care of your reputation. Can be blamed or defamed due to your unnecessary assocations with opposite gender (during 2nd half of 2020).
There will be huge change in kids lives. Spouse will be unsupportive.
Jupiter+Saturn combination in 2021 turns your philosophical.

Aquarius (Kumbha) : Health needs to be taken care of, as minor symptoms now indicate major issues in future.
There will be few sleepless nights, worrying about future of kids.
Do not venture into new businesses, but continue with existing ones.
Not a good time for higher studies.

Pisces (Meena) : Huge change in career, followed by success are indicated.
You will be appreciated for organizing and creative capabilities.
Unmarried can enter into matrimony.
Buying propeties, new vehicles along with luxurious lifestyle indicated.
Good time for artists, musicians, writers, politicians.
Someone's loss can be your unexpected gain in 2021.


Check if you are born with moon in one of these following Nakshatras :

Arudra : Problems at work will cause financial losses.
Humiliation and insults will be experienced regularly and also property losses will happen.

Aslesha : Mind will be freed from relations, constant fear in mind, financial crisis are experienced.

Magha : Financial gains from low profile people. Boost in career, education.

Chitra : Financial pressures, seperation from close relatives or death of relatives from father's family.

Swathi : Financial gains from many sources apart from job. Good time for starting new business or restart old plans.

Anuradha : Good lifestyle and monetary gains.

Sravana : Financial crisis and low profile life. Controversies can destroy career.

Poorvabhadra : Debts, mental tensions and deaths of relatives.

Uttarabhadra : Beneficial especially for those who do business on oceans, rivers and water bodies. Huge property can be inherited or existing property can be sold at high rate.


Venus transiting 12th H right now is not helping, so number of +ve corona cases are rising every day.
After 5 April 2020, Venus enters 1st House but still other planets not cooperating.
Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Saturn in close conjunction until next month is only increase fatal count all over the world.
Indians need not feel relieved after 14 April as Rahu continues its threat till 22 April and then Venus Retrograde (13 May - 25 June 2020) and also Venus combust (31 May - 08 June) is not helping much.
Recession has already started and effects will be felt until 2022-23.
This Corona Pandemic will end up taking lot of lives and settle down only after September 2020.

Trickiest days will be when Jupiter crosses Pluto 3 times this year, last date in November 2020 and when Moon transits its own constellations Rohini, Hasta, Sravana

India will see recession real effects in 2021 when Saturn and Jupiter transit Sravana (from 21 January 2021). Key decisons/turnouts on 23-24 January 2021.
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


@Virinchi Sir...thanks for your regular astro-updates on Corona Virus Outbreak.

One query I want to ask you.

Are effects of Pluto experienced on an individual level as well or it's effects are only on Mundane level ?

Tell Them I Came, But No One Answered And I Kept My Word !!!


Because Pluto takes 248 years to orbit around sun (to complete 1 full transit through 12 zodiac signs), its effects on humans who live for 70+ years can be neglected.
However, human nature (psychology), few important events (because Pluto transits 3-4 signs during average human lifetime), conjunctions can be predicted.
Retrograde Pluto and past life/lives karma

Transit of Pluto (more applicable to country charts

Uranus, Neptune have considerably more impact than Pluto, like Uranus conjunct 7th sublord (if that sublord signifies 2,7,11 houses) performs marriage suddenly in unexpected conditions.
Neptune conjunct 7th CSL can make a person feel cheated after marriage (something from past which was hidden, gets revealed later).. These are few observations made so far.. Need to study more cases
Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


@Virinchi sir...Thank you so much for sharing the info as always.

One more query out of curiosity, do the planets like Pluto, Neptune & Uranus have exaltation/debilitation points where they show best and worst effects respectively ?

At present, Pluto is in Capricorn(A conservative/grounded sign ruled by Saturn). Is it because of this that the whole world has been sent into a lockdown(confined in homes) and has come to a standstill ? Just an observation. I may be wrong as well.

I read the articles which you shared. In one of the article, its written that Pluto is exalted form of Mars. As Mars is exalted in Capricorn, is Pluto also showing intensifying effects in Capricorn sign now ?

Kindly share your valuable experiences/info on this.

Tell Them I Came, But No One Answered And I Kept My Word !!!