Communications Skills, Speech in Horoscope & Moon Signs

Planets influencing the way you talk and what you talk In a horoscope, the 2nd house and the 2nd lord signify the verbal communication capabilities of an individual. If the 2nd lord and the 2nd house are strong, the person will talk lovingly, will be sensible … Read more

Wealth Yoga in Horoscope, for 12 Ascendants

Wealth Yoga in horoscope is decided by lords of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th houses. Also Venus is the main planet of Indulgence & opulence and Jupiter is for the wealth. If both of them have positive relation with Moon in a horoscope, they make that … Read more

Sex of a Child through Ruling Planets in K.P

K.P ( Krishnamurthi Paddathi )Horary is a formula based on the ruling planet. A number between 1 and 249 is selected by the querist along with his/her specific question. The query is the tallied with the relevant houses connected with the subject. A lady was in … Read more

Finding lost article through Horary Astrology

When you realize that you lost something, first conduct your search for the missing item or be sure that the client has done a thorough search before calling and asking the question. If you have lost an item search in every possible nook and cranny where … Read more