Transit SUN in Aspects to Natal MERCURY

Natal Mercury house is the sign where your Mercury was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Mercury in Scorpio, then your natal Mercury house is Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi) and during transit, Sun forming conjunction (in … Read more

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) indicators in Personal Horoscope

In Vedic Astrology, Mercury and Moon are main reasons behind intelligence of a person. Mercury controls speech, intellect, sharp thinking, judgement, logical, mathematical & analytical abilities. Moon, in general controls mind and speed of thoughts. Most important house to look at is the 5th house, which … Read more

Remedies for Malefic Mercury in Horoscope

In astrological parlance Mercury has been understood as an externally variable, vacillating, convertible, neutral and dualistic planet. Mercury reflects the mentality of an individual, governs the reaction to our senses and impressions and rules over the central nervous system. As an intellectual planet it represents intelligence, … Read more