Signs and Constellations – Relations to Diseases

The Vedas and other ancient scriptures describe the sky as the “Kala Purusha” the “Divine cosmic being”, personification of time, being the zodiac a representation of his different body parts. There is a correlation between the houses with the same concept. The 1st house represents Aries, … Read more

Diseases and Planets – Connections

There are two types of diseases : 1. Physical Diseases : Fever, Headache, Bodyaches,Cold, Pain in joints, weak nerves,Blood pressure, Diabetes, Acidity, Cancer, Flu etc. 2. Mental Diseases : Depression, Fear, Insomnia, Any emotion in excess, Restlessness, Wavering thoughts, uncontrollable sexual desires, Grudge etc. Sun effects … Read more

Remedies for Malefic Saturn in Horoscope

As the slowest moving planet and the chief signification for longevity, Saturn is a barren, binding, cold, dry, hard, defensive and secretive planet. Its effects and influences are felt with greater intensity and for longer periods than any other planet. Saturn is considered to be very … Read more