Ardha Matsyendrasana Benefits and Precautions

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sanskrit: अर्धमत्स्येन्द्रासन), Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, Half Spinal Twist Pose or Vakrasana is an asana that usually appears as a seated spinal twist with many variations, and is one of the twelve basic asanas in many systems of Hatha Yoga. This asana … Read more

Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose), procedure and benefits

In Sanskrit, supta (सुप्त) means ‘reclined‘, Vajra means ‘thunderbolt‘ and asana means ‘posture’. This is mainly useful in improving the digestive system and boosting our stamina. Although there are 14 variations in this supta vajrasana, practicing one and mastering it is enough to tone your body. … Read more

Trikonasana (triangle pose) benefits

Trikonasana (triangle pose) augments the movement of the Half Spinal Twist and gives an excellent lateral stretch to the spine, toning the spinal nerves and helping the proper functioning of the digestive system. The body becomes lighter and other asanas are improved. When performing the Triangle, … Read more