Chaldean Numerology Alphabet Values in Numbers

Although Chaldean Numerology is less popular, it is found to be more accurate while deriving name values. Chaldea is the southwest most portion of Mesopotamia, also known as Sumeria, and its capital city was Ur. So, the Sumerian Civilization is the root behind this mystical, yet … Read more

Number 9 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 9 , if you are born on 9,18,27 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strong with the intense energy that seems to burst at seems. You are constantly active and do not rest until you reach … Read more

Number 8 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 8 , if you are born on 8,17,26 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strong tough and can be ruthless. You enjoy continuous hassles and struggle for power. Dynamic and independent, you dislike dependence. You are … Read more

Number 7 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 7 , if you are born on 7,16,25 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are very original, independent and strong in body and mind. Though you face many upheavals in your life, failure becomes key to your … Read more

Number 6 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 6 , if you are born on 6,15,24 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strong and conscious about your physical appearance. You are extremely magnetic, people are attracted towards you and you are loved and often … Read more

Number 5 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 5 , if you are born on 5,14,23 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are gentle and fragile. You have an inquisitive mind, eager to learn anything and everything any time of the day. You are jovial … Read more