Moon Dasa Predictions for India (2015-2025)

India’s birth chart is considered based on time of independence from British (15 August 1947, 00:00 hours at Delhi). India’s Sun Vimsottari Dasa ended in July 2015 and Moon Dasa has started which will go on for another 10 years (till 2025 July). India is formed … Read more

Effects of Sun transits in 2013-14

SUN is the minister for the year hindu new year 2013-14 (Vijaya Nama Samvatsara). Due to sun’s influence, differences between political leader will increase. Indecisiveness of leaders and administrators will lead to public unrest and chaos. People will revolt regularly against administrations of various states and … Read more

Effects of Mercury transits in 2013-14

By its ownership and transits in the year Sri Vijaya Nama Samvatsara (2013-14), Mercury (Budha) will cause moderate rainfall in season. More clouds and windy conditions along with thunders but less rainfall than anticipated. Prices of medicines, chemicals, urea will increase. Restaurant and hotel businesses will … Read more

Partial Lunar Eclipse on 4 June 2012, Effects

Partial Lunar eclipse will be seen on 4th june 2012. On this day, the Moon will be about one third covered by the Earth’s umbral shadow at maximum eclipse. The portion of the moon within the penumbral shadow will be significantly dimmed. This partial lunar eclipse … Read more

Effects of Mercury in 2012-13

Due to transit and ownership of Mercury (Budha) in Sri Nandana Nama Samvatsara (2012-13), cyber crime will increase multiple times. Newly discovered chemical formulae and other scientific inventions will be misused or sold secretly to anti-social elements. Few countries will develop nuclear weapons and will become … Read more