Gold and Silver price forecast 2013

Gold and Silver prices will increase but not exponentially in 2013. As Jupiter moves into dual sign Gemini, in last week of may, prices will start fluctuating. Since saturn is not aspecting jupiter this year, common man cannot afford to buy gold. Also, Jupiter is the … Read more

Gold and Silver prices in 2012

Jupiter, the planet which controls finance business and gold prices in market will transit in its friendly sign Aries till mid may 2012. This will control gold price to some extent but after mid may, jupiter enters taurus and gold price will cross limits and will … Read more

Effects of Retrograde Planets in Horoscope

If a person is born while a planet is in retrograde motion, he/she is immensely effected by the planet’s qualities. If more than 1 planet in retrograde at the time of birth, then the planet with most number of degrees in its sign will effect the … Read more

Retrograde Planets in Horoscope & Past Life Connections

In Astrology, a culture and the chart of an individual are significantly affected by the spin (or wobble) and movement of the planets. Most often, the planets (save for the Sun) rotate on their forward path. Then there’s a brief period, called the stationary period, when … Read more