Transit SUN in Aspects to Natal MARS

Natal Mars house is the sign where your Mars was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Mars in Capricorn, then your natal Mars house is Capricorn (Makara Rasi) and during transit, Sun forming conjunction (in … Read more

Retrograde Venus Effects Explained, Past Life Connection

Venus Retrograde happens every 18 months with one stationary day, before and after retrogression. During retrograde, Venus can also get combust due to closer proximity with Sun. Venus being retrograde in natal chart indicates emotional frustrations, love failures and loneliness. These people feel that they are … Read more

Retrograde Mercury Effects Explained, Past Life Connection

Mercury Retrograde is usually for about 24 days with one stationary day, before and after retrogression. Mercury retrograde happens atleast 3 times in a year. Mercury being retrograde in natal chart indicates that these people are slow and deliberate in thinking process, analyzing a situation or … Read more

Length of Fingers and Personality

Length of Fingers and Personality are inter-linked along with intelligence of a person. Examining middle three fingers on active hand (right or left, whichever is used to write/sign etc) will give an idea of what a person could be. Long fingers signify a detail-oriented idea person. … Read more

Communications Skills, Speech in Horoscope & Moon Signs

Planets influencing the way you talk and what you talk In a horoscope, the 2nd house and the 2nd lord signify the verbal communication capabilities of an individual. If the 2nd lord and the 2nd house are strong, the person will talk lovingly, will be sensible … Read more