Mars Stationary Retrograde 2024-25 in Cancer-Gemini

Mars Stationary Retrograde 2024-2025 will in between Cancer (Karkataka) and Gemini (Mithuna) during October 2024 – April 2025. Mars has already entered retrograde zone in early October and started slowing down before it entered Cancer on 20th October 2024. Usually Mars takes around 45 days to … Read more

Mars in various houses of Navamsa Chart

Mars rules over muscle power, discipline, real estate dealings, short term revenge, blood pressure, siblings, litigations, menstrual cycles in women. Mars in various Navamsa owned by different Planets Mars in Own house (Aries or Scorpio) : One with the Mars in own Navamsa will be very … Read more

Six Planets Influence Cancer in August 2019

Mercury, Sun, Venus, Mars will be transiting Cancer, while Jupiter aspects throughout the month. Moon also influences cancer around full moon day on 14-15 August. Cancer sign has already been under influence of multiple malefic planets since 2018. Rahu and Ketu were heavily influencing it along … Read more

Effects of Mars Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope

How to know if planet Mars Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Mars in Vedic Astrology rules over your courage, discipline, siblings, cousins, fixed assets like land, agriculture, real estate business, mining, corals, wars, legal issues, relations with police and military, hemoglobin in … Read more

Remedies for Malefic Mars in Horoscope

Mars (Kuja or Mangal) is a red and fiery planet born out of Earth. The sanskrit word Ku(earth) + ja (born from) signifies how this planet is formed. It is masculine by nature and controls male ego, agriculture, real estate business, siblings, cousins, debts, mantra sastra, … Read more

Interaction of number 9 with other numbers

In Numerology, Nine is the number of law, balance and completion. It is symbolized by three interlaced triangles, which is the sign of perfection and completion. In the numerological account of creation, God used the power of the number Nine to finish his work. Any number … Read more