Number 6 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 6 , if you are born on 6,15,24 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strong and conscious about your physical appearance. You are extremely magnetic, people are attracted towards you and you are loved and often … Read more

Number 5 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 5 , if you are born on 5,14,23 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are gentle and fragile. You have an inquisitive mind, eager to learn anything and everything any time of the day. You are jovial … Read more

Number 4 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 4 , if you are born on 4,13,22,31 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strongly built and practical in outlook. You have a distinct character of your own. You are the advocate of under dogs; you … Read more

Number 3 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 3 , if you are born on 3,12,21,30 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strongly built and full of stamina. Members of opposite sex always surround you and you love it. You are decidedly ambitions, independent … Read more

Number 2 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 2 , if you are born on 2,11,20,29 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are romantic, gentle and artistic by nature. Your qualities are more on the spiritual than the physical plane. You are imaginative and inventive. … Read more

Number 1 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 1 , if you are born on 1,19,28 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You have a strong mind and body. You are attractive to members of opposite sex. You love to lead your life on your own … Read more