Colour Energy Reference Chart

Started by DCP, April 15, 2009, 11:22:45 AM

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Root Chakra
Connects us to our physical self. Strong energy, fire and creative force
Vitality, Courage, Self Confidence, Life Promoting Energy
Red stimulates life energy, helps build inner strength, security, vitality and will power. Red is the grounding colour but can indicate strong passions.
Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood

Spleen Chakra
Connects us to our emotional self. Warmth, creativity and emotions.
Joy, Confidence, Resourcefulness, Socialness
Brings life to our workday and opens our awareness to more subtle energies.
Orange Oil

Solar Plexus Chakra
Connects us to our mental self. Mental activity and sunshine.
Wisdom, Intellect, Self-Esteem, Optimism
ives clarity of thought, increases awareness and stimulates the power of the mind and psychic abilities.
Rosemary or Bergamot

Heart Chakra
Connects us to Unconditional Love. Sensitivity and beginnings of compassion.
Balance, Love, Self Control, Growth, Sympathy
Relax muscles, nerves and thoughts. Cleanses and balances giving a feeling of peace and harmony. Reliability and open-mindedness.
Eucalyptus or Pine

Throat Chakra
Connects us to Holistic thought. Peace and quiet.
Knowledge, Health, Communication, Devotion, Truth
Mental relaxation, sleep problems, stress or hyperactive children. Activate imagination and perceptions. Balance hormones.
Geranium or Chamomile

Brow Chakra
Connects us to Unconscious Self. The blending of heart and mind.
Intuition, Understanding, Dreams, Independence
Strengthen intuition, imagination, psychic powers, independence and increase dream activity.
Patchouli or Frankincense

Crown Chakra
Connects us to our Spiritual Self. Warmth and tramsmutation.
Beauty, Creativity, Inspiration, Searching, Worldly
ives us inspiration. Enhances artistic talent, creativity and ideals. Practicality, humility and spirituality
Lavender or Jasmine

Thymus Chakra
Connects us to our Expression. Open communication
Confidence, Verbal Skills, Serenity, Spiritual Bonding
Strengthens our concentration, freedon of expression. Bolsters the immune system. Opens our heart centre for giving and receiving.
Tea Tree, Sage

Heart Chakra
Connects us to our Universal Love. Purity and comfort of companionship.
Love, Kindness, Consideration, Vision, Modesty
emoves unwanted aggression and irritations. Protects and gives peace of mind and a love of beauty and art.
Rose or Rosewood


good info but i dint understand where do those turquoise n pink chakras exist


yea its interesting...

i dint understand where does this color chakras exist


i got yellow as my aura color
that means i\'m positive and optimistic :)


those are imaginary and can be sensed only through yoga

Aindrita Ray

i heard about someone making a movie on how color energy chakras(aura) can be displayed for a person.
how is this done in real (they might be using VFX in movies though)