best food for hair growth?

Started by tara, March 05, 2010, 07:53:54 AM

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Accordingly to my re-search...

1) drink acai juice
2) drink aloe Vera juice ( not dared to try yet not sure about side effects)
3) eat lots of spinach
4)drink water 8 glasses any other tips?


aloe vera is usually mixed and boiled along with oils and applied to hair
swiss chard is best source of biotin and hair falls only due to lack of biotin in body

you can have biotin supplements or these foods

egg, liver (each 3 ounces have 27 mcg biotin)

if you are a veggie, then :

avacado, cauliflower, Yeast bakers active, Wheat bran crude, brocolli etc
if you feel its hard to swallow all these you can have a biotin supplement which gives you atleast 300 mcg /day for 3-4 months in a year and hair will grow all year


biotin + iron will keep hair dark and healthy
biotin is found in protien food like soya been

look at chines, korean, japanese
they eat lots of soya and they look younger


Thanks DCP and sasirekha,
  honestly, i have lost hope, pass from 7 years i am doing so many things to my hair i use to take biotin tabs for quiet sometime nothing changed, used aurvedic oil ( which makes it worst like if i apply oil the hair falls off while applying itself) I used to have thick hair now almost bald in front infact little bald in front.
I have seen atleast 5 docs so far done blood test thyroid test everything is normal. ofcourse stress is also there but that is normal avg stress i suppose which is very common for a person.
from 2004 my hair is falling like anything i just can\'t help it.
should i go for hair transplant? is it worth people say it works for some and does not work for some


Try sesame or virgin olive oil for hair.Even my hair started falling rapidly when i shifted from my home town to bangalore.May be pollution also plays a role in this.Try to cover your hair while going out :)


Hi tara,
if you\'ve reached that stage then there must be something in DNA structure that you can\'t modify through medication.
better go for transplant and then on new hair start using biotin supplements for 1 year.
dont use all sorts of oils (especially avoid oils that instantly give cooling effects, like navaratan etc)
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thanks Naveenk and Virinchi BUT Oh one more important .....I  forgot to mention if i use navarathana oil the cool oil etc..... i will be bald in 5 mins
my hair just comes off just like that if i use that oil PLEASE don\'t tell me it\'s only me...!!!


First step, Stop worrying about hair fall.. psychologically that will give more improvement.

Hair is like any other part in our body, which needs essential fats, proteins, amino acids. So well balanced diet should show good symptoms in hair fall.


as a doctor i never suggest using navaratan oil
it weakens hair roots

ofcourse stress is also a major factor
you can read on yoga methods for improving blood circulation to head and relief from stress in yoga section articles of this site