food that block and burn fat

Started by poori, April 22, 2009, 02:17:29 PM

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Dietary fiber is one of your best foods to block both the absorption of fat and to burn up extra calories. Sounds almost too good to be true; however, it really works.

First of all, when you combine the high-fiber foods, combined with any fat in your diet, like a piece of cake or a hamburger, each gram of fiber traps fat globules by entwining them in a fiber-like web, made up of thousands of fiber strands. Once these fat globules are trapped in the fiber\'s web, they pass through the intestinal tract before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, these fat globules are excreted in the waste material from your colon without getting absorbed and stored as fat in your body. The fiber is actually removing the fat from your body like a garbage truck removes garbage. And to underscore that fact, fat really is garbage.

Secondly, fiber actually bums up calories by itself. This is accomplished because fiber causes your intestinal tract to work harder in order to digest the fiber foods. The body\'s metabolism therefore uses more energy for this time-consuming digestion, and as a result can actually consume most of the calories that the fiber foods contain. Strange as it seems, some heavily fibered foods can actually burn up more calories than the fiber foods contain, thereby creating a deficit of calories. This causes the body to use stored body fat for the production of energy. Each gram of fiber that you consume can bum up approximately 9 calories, of which come from fat. So if you eat 30 grams of fiber a day, you actually burn up an additional 270 calories daily (30 grams fiber x 9 calories). You can actually subtract those 270 calories every day from your total daily calorie intake, without actually cutting those calories from your diet.

In addition to blocking fat and burning calories, fiber foods bind with water in the intestinal tract and fonn bulk that makes you feel full early in the course of your meal. So you eat less, and therefore you consume fewer calories at each meal. Also, your appestat (hunger mechanism) is satisfied for longer periods of time, since it takes longer to digest fiber foods, and therefore you wuf have less of a tendency to snack between meals.


thanks for the info
can you tell me how to gain bone weight without putting on any extra fat


calcium adds bone weight
try calcium sandoz for women
its pink in color and sweet in taste tablets

use 2/day


excess calcium intake is also not recommeded
fat n bone have to be balanced


most important is physical work that can keep u balanced
instaed many women stick to TVs and watch stupid serials


actually watching sorrowful serials are tending to brain tumour n hyper tension n obesity ofks.


its imp. to watch peaceful programs atleast after sunset and switch off TV yl having dinner


importantly TV shud not be watched b4 sleeping.

can consider watching any fun prog b4 sleep..

but house-wives mostly watch weeping serials b4.. thats too bad :grind:


they\'re playing on our weak emotions:mad:


mixing barley powder into wheat flour and making rotis with it during night is good for burning fat
have 2 such rotis and sleep after 2-3 hours