legalization of online gambling.

Started by mounica583, March 28, 2013, 08:32:01 PM

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Recently Newjersey, Nevada states made legalization of online gambling. will this decision boost up India or any of our states to follow it for revenue purpose. is there any possibilty in astrological point of view in near future ??


Indian states cannot take independent decisions on issues like that.
USA is formed with agreement between states that they can have their own laws in their states.
Anyway, it would be a welcome move if betting is made legal in india. Every cricket match will generate lot of revenue for govt


Lol india legalizing bettings lol its gonna take years to do so



USA or some of the american states/western countries making something legal doesn't make it right.

Legalization of a vice does not make it ethical.


Sikkim has an online site for betting i guess. That state's law made gambling/betting legal.
Kapil Dev has launched that website.

Company is Golden Gaming. You can search for that website and its rules