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Palm Reading

Started by shadow, July 04, 2010, 08:29:56 PM

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Hi Pravin,

I wanted to give it a shot and try your predictions regarding my career and life and kid\'s future.

Here is the link for all possible dimensions of my hands.

I am right handed.

My Palm


Dear Friend,

You have not mentioned whether you are right handed or left handed. I assume you to be right handed. Further you have not mentioned your age. You are very sensitive person, love to take calculated risk, have practical approach in your personal dealings and are overall a creative person. At the of 42/43 there will be some mental shock to your brain and after that the chances of memory getting affected is there. From the age of 12/13 to 26/27 you have had great difficulties at Home and your professional life. At young age you cannot have difficult professionally so it means your parents had to struggle and subsequently you had to struggle. You are attached to your parents.

Pravin Kumar


Hello Pravin ji

I am right handed, and aged 37. You are mostly right on !

Due to certain difficulties, I have fought through my entire life. Lacking peace and harmony.

Is it possible to look clearly on the matter of shock at 42 ? What factors affect and any remedy ?
