"The Permanent Atom"

Started by Virinchi, April 14, 2009, 12:14:57 PM

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The mystical heart of the world\'s religions is the identity of the true Self. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life. The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause out of which the effect proceeds. We call this cause the I AM THAT I AM, the Presence of the I AM, or the I AM Presence.

God by any name can be reduced to this eternal Presence. It defines being, and it is a sphere of intense light that marks the point of our origin.

THE PERMANENT ATOMS of atmic, buddhic, manasic, astral and of physical matter, the nuclei of the causal body which constitute the foundation of the imperishable body, are of an order of size that is infinitesimal. An elaborate calculation was made recently by a mathematical physicist which seemed to place physical man, in terms of size, about mid-way between our stellar galaxy and the minute electron. Distances within are as great as distances without.

The infinitely great has its opposite and complement in the infinitely small.

Wanting to learn vast ranged Astrology only to predict few sport events is like Marrying only for Sex !

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one !


sorry to say... i understood nothing from ur post. can u be some more clear abt wt u saying?


permanent ATOM is nothing but SOUL


i heard our soul decides its relations b4 it entering a womb. how true is it?

if it is so how does it do such selections? y cant all living ppl are the kids of ambani/tata/birla ??


its decides its relations based on its pastlife karma
soul\'s ultimate purpose is to balance all relations and free itself in least possible num of lives (usual number is 7)

so, if you are indebted to some ppl in pastlife, you will be born in relations to them to pay it back etc


i thought it !!

anyways thats the good explanation


when many souls attain salvation, how can they be permanent?


they are not permanent.
They attain permanent status after salvation
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