Samaadhi - the ultimate stage in meditation

Started by OMkaar, July 03, 2009, 07:34:10 PM

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This is the final stage in meditation and many dont agree that this is a stage itself because there\'s nothing in it.
the mere \'YOU\' don\'t exist here, so you can\'t claim to be in some state.

this is experienced by everyone on this planet, but only few grab it and stay in it.
this is a state where your mind shifts its focus from one state to another.

there are 4 stages of our mind :

1. Jaagrad (awakened) : this is what most of us are. we see this world and take it to be real

2. Swapna(dream) : this is where mind travels beyond time and places

3. sushupta(sub conscious) : this also exits in all but only few get good hold on it.

4. turiya (bliss ) : this occurs in all of us. those few seconds when our mind is not occupied in any state/object/thought. when we just wakeup from sleep. mind is blank!

this 4th state is itself samadhi. the more we practise on it, more we can gain grip on it.


good info
but how to we achive it and realise in what state we are in


i get this turiya for 1-2mins...

i wanna increase it to 10mins but not practising these days much


its a stage in which lord ganesha is said to be in
its hard to get a grip on it


i get the turiya for few seconds :( coz my mind always filled with work tensions ;)


thats not proper meditation
actual purpose of meditation is to remove materialistic thoughts from brain

if you are still getting them, then you are still not doing right way


Can I, as a human being, lead a different kind of life?


Well achieving this can only be possible by two ways

1) Years of proper meditation sitting, balancing your life with proper eating, sleeping, behavior and feel good habits. It is very difficult to maintain this, since everyone has a professional and personal life. Easy way in this ! would be for the person who is going through lot of trouble in life or who does not have interest in materials. Both of them try there best to hunt for peace. There they practice and feel the change. Most important of all is to experiencing and feeling it !

2) Other one would be taking assistance from a person who is master and teach and uplift u in your spiritual journey ! These people are very difficult to find because are hidden from the normal human eyes. They behave is the way the normal human does.

I find Sufism better, I was under the guidance and supervision of Nakshbandiya Sufi for almost 7 years. I find it as  what Meera mention in the scripts for her devotion to god. It takes to all the ways of experiencing various yog nidra and many more. It starts detaching you from everything that it is around you ! You just find your guru is the only one ( That is your teacher ).  Slowly you would find that yoga was just physical and the start. There is much to experience inside you. I wish I could have had more supervision ! ( He left his human body )..  


If anyone had any such experiences or know the to attain diffrent samadhi...I would welcome if they share experiences as well.


for me, getting immersed in my work is itself samadhi
during that time i lose sense of whats happening around