In general, Saturn transiting Pisces (Meena Rasi) is bad for those born with moon in Aswini, Bharani, Mrigasira, Pushyami, Visakha, Moola, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra, Revati nakshatras.
And good for those born with moon in Aslesha, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadra nakshatras.
But this time, Moon is in Pisces when Saturn also enters Pisces.
So, this will be positive transit for Vrishabha (Taurus) and Thula (Libra) moon signs, while Meena (Pisces) go through some challenges and enter comfortable period from middle of this transit.
Aquarius (Kumbha), Scorpio (Kumbha), Cancer (Karka) also face initial challenges but will be able to resolve them midway.
Capricorn (Makara), Virgo (Kanya), Gemini (Mithuna) get mixed results throughout.
Aries (Mesha), Sagittarius (Dhanus, except poorvashada nakshatra), Leo (Simha) face most challenging period. They will initial setbacks as both Rahu and Saturn transit same sign, same nakshatra during 27 feb - 28 apr 2025.
Poor financial decisions hurt them for long term.