Scorpio Daily

Scorpio Vrischik Rasi Predictions
Visakha 4th quarter, Anuradha, Jyeshta

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Scorpio (Vrischik Rasi) Daily Predictions

Predictions for 26 January 2025

New opportunities and support for commencement of new projects can be expected. Satisfactory growth indicated in profession or job. Investing in long term plans give you better results.

Predictions for 27 January 2025

Multiple problems with money, difficulty with circumstances, loss of money and respect, and expenditure indicated. Your self-esteem may be impacted by disappointments and psychological stress. Family problems or disputes are indicated. It is possible for any work or matter to come across delays or obstacles.

Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.