They say Fasting Blood Sugar Test should be 99 mg/dL or lower is normal, 100 to 125 mg/dL indicates you have prediabetes, and 126 mg/dL or higher indicates you have diabetes.
This is wrong !
In Glucose Tolerance Test, 140-199 mg/dL is considered prediabetes and in Random Blood Sugar Test, 200 mg/dL is considered diabetic.
How can you have no glucose in blood and work throughout the day or atleast till you eat something in morning and it gets converted to energy after digestion ? Few people workout early morning on empty stomach (only water) and maybe protein shake which may have 3 gms of carbs (post-workout). How can they pull energy to workout, if their blood sugar level is below 140 mg/dL ?
Normal human is supposed to have 250-325 gms of carbs per day to get going. If you have a lazy lifestyle where you sit or laydown for most part of the day, then those carbs will not burn and you will get diabetes in long run. But if you have an active lifestyle, do NOT worry about 200 mg/dL. What you ate for dinner will be burnt during sleep and pre-breakfast routine in morning.