Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada 1st quarter
Sagittarius Daily | Sagittarius Weekly | Sagittarius Monthly | Sagittarius Yearly |
Income : Expenditure :: 5 : 5 (ratio)Compliment : Insult :: 1 : 5 (ratio)
An overview of year 2025
Jupiter in 6th house till mid May and then in 7th and 8th houses, Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house till end of May, later Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house, Saturn in 3rd house till end of March and then in 4th house, together determine the major transit results this year.In this year’s chart, Jupiter the ruling planet of your sign will be in 7th house from May.
Moon along with Sun in 1st house indicates lack of confidence, insomnia and fear.
Saturn and Rahu movement indicates uncontrollable situations at home.
2025 with respect to different aspects in your life
A very good period can be expected. You will reach heights in your profession. Politically and socially you will be in a reputed place. Changes in residence, and construction of new house or buying land can be predicted. Your talents will be recognized. Buying new vehicle is also possible. You will participate in many charitable service activities. Your abilities will be strengthened with the favorable placement of planets and blessings of god. Long distance travels are possible. Visiting religious places along with friends and relatives can be predicted. Relief is possible for those suffering from chronic diseases. Commencement of new projects indicated. Status and reputation will be heightened in society. Gains are possible in all the professions. Pleasant family life, upper hand in all the affairs, able to mesmerize anyone to get work done indicated. Without any obstacles works will be completed in time. Buying valuables is also indicated. Your luck and fortune may create negative feelings in others.Favorable for the employees. Those working in government sector or public enterprises can expect promotions with transfers. Hard work will be rewarded suitably. Cooperation of authorities is indicated. Increased income is possible in private sector, with the support of higher authorities. Gain of new vehicles or construction of house is indicated. Positive changes are possible for the people working in software industry. Laborers will get benefits this year. Salaries and wages will increase. Unemployed get employment and settle in life. Those on temporary basis will get permanent in job.
Golden period for the politicians. Popularity in public, resolving problems of people helps you in gaining good remark in party high command. Nominated post either in government or in party can be expected. Huge expenditures are possible. Success is possible in elections with huge majority. Gains and profits are possible in every aspect. Comforts also indicated.
Gains and profits indicated for technicians, writers, singers, and directors in T.V and cinema industry. Too many new opportunities are possible because of numerous achievements or success obtained. New artists or professionals settle in industry. Awards and rewards are also indicated. Construction of new house, elevated status in society are indicated. Opportunities for success are too many also comforts indicated.
Gains and profits indicated in all types of businesses. Profits will be enjoyed by people involved in wholesale or retail sector. A very good turnover and good profits are indicated. Partners understanding leads to good profits in partnership business. Bad debts will be recovered in finance business. Remarkable gains are possible in the business of sand, iron, bricks, and wine. Profits are indicated for builders, hotels, and groceries. Mixed results are possible in shares trading and better results can be expected compared to previous year in the field of real estate. Favorable for those in the business of storage of goods. Also gains are possible for contractors in private and government sectors, rice millers and small business people. New contracts also indicated for contractors.
Students will be able to concentrate in studies and achieve good ranks in any competitive examinations. They study without any deviations, and very good competitive spirit. Very good ranks are possible in competitive examinations. Also admission in reputed institutes is indicated. People in sports register success and achieve placement in national or international teams. Status and reputation will be heightened in society.
Farmers will be benefited through two crops. Debts will be cleared with the increased income and high yield. Lease farmers also get gains and profits. Excellent gains for fisheries and good profits for poultry can be predicted. Very good profits are possible for the commercial crops. Auspicious functions like marriage will be performed at home.
For Women: Women will have upper hand in all the affairs. You will be respected wherever you go. Name and fame in family circles indicated. Financial stability can be achieved. Registering property or fixed assets in your name is indicated. Gain of valuable items, or buying gold ornaments is possible. Promotions are indicated in job. Also transfers to desired place and cooperation of higher authorities can be expected. Unmarried will get married this year. Cordial relations will be enjoyed with spouse. Those staying separately will find an opportunity to resolve any issues and join together. Pregnant Women will be blessed with a baby boy through natural delivery.
Remedies : Take blessings of elder women on Mondays. Visit a religious place on Saturdays and avoid taking or giving loans on Tuesdays.
Your new year resolution for year 2023 : Be practical in life decisions and optimistic about future.
Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.