Virgo Monthly

Virgo Kanya Rasi Predictions
Uttara Phalguni 2,3,4 quarters, Hastha, Chitra 1,2 quarters

Virgo DailyVirgo WeeklyVirgo MonthlyVirgo Yearly

Monthly Predictions for Virgo (Kanya Rasi) September 2024

Career : Courage and confidence needed. Transfers can be expected for job holders. Fear, anxiety and tiredness are possible. You may have to wander and toil for nothing. You will not hear even a kind word of welcome in travels. Inconvenience indicated with the co-workers at work place. Slack in studies, loss of good name and position, unsteady mind, change of opinion indicated.

Relations : Heated arguments and enmity can be expected at home. Better to delay any matters related to marriage. Obstacles can be expected in performing any auspicious work at home. Quarrels and differences indicated.

Finance : Growth in business and financial gains are possible. Huge unnecessary expenditures, indulgence in bad habits and unnecessary journeys can be predicted. Lot of tensions and worries will be there in your mind. You may suffer insults and humiliation. Obstacles for prosperity, decline of wealth or losses through speculations, loss of valuables and change of place can be expected.

Health : Care must be taken to avoid accidents and diseases relating to blood. Blood loss due to severe blows to the body, breaks of limbs, or blood poisoning is possible. You may become weak through bleeding. Health needs attention and care. Rise in blood pressure, heart diseases, eye diseases or stomach ache indicated. Excessive heat in the body, diseases of the bowels indicated.

For the people born in Uttara phalguni, results will not be in favor and also visiting people with severe injuries due to accidents, fear of weapons, inconvenience due to non completion of works, vehicle accidents, enmity with the siblings and close or blood relations, monetary losses in landed property matters, unexpected changes in litigation and legal proceedings, acquaintances with the wicked people, low profile women, and development of relations with the police and armed officials indicated.

For the people born in Hasta, the results will be in favor. Increased income in job or profession, arrival of relatives and friends, comforts and pleasures after completion of works, discussions with the scholars and knowledgeable people, meeting higher authorities, visiting auspicious places, success in all affairs, profits in business, success in gambling and speculations, monetary gains and favorable for all the works and affairs can be expected.

For the people born in Chitra, results will be in favor. Status and reputation will be heightened in society, promotions or elevation in job or profession, timely completion of works with ease, participating in religious activities, inclination towards spiritual and religious works, meeting scholars and higher authorities, participation in discussions with scholars can be expected.

Favorable Dates : 5,10,16,19,25,27

Unfavorable Dates : 7,12,14,21,23,30

Daily Moon Sign Predictions in Vedic Astrology are done based on position, sign lord, star lord, aspects and conjunctions of Moon at Sun Rise of each day. Similarly, Weekly Moon Sign Predictions are based on Moon at Sunday Sun Rise Time, Monthly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon at 1st date of each month along with transit of Sun, Venus, Mercury and Yearly Moon Sign Predictions based on Moon's position on 1st January of each year along with major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.