Predictions for birth number 6 and fadic number 3

If you are born on 6,15,24 dates of any month, your birth number is 6. And if your fadic number is 3, then you are under the influence of  Venus and Jupiter. Characteristics Venus (Sukra) is the preceptor of demons and Jupiter is the preceptor of … Read more

Sublord of 5th Cusp Placement and Results

SUBJECT MATTERS PERTAINING TO 5TH CUSP SUBLORD in KRISHNAMURTI PADDHATI 1. Childbirth: -The houses 2nd, 5th, 11th indicate birth of a child, if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies the 2nd, 5th, and 11th houses. Birth of a child is denied, if the 5th … Read more