Ratha Sapthami, Astrological Significance

Ratha Saptami (Sanskrit: रथसप्तमी or Magha Saptami) is a hindu festival related to SUN, which is worshipped as God in vedic tradition. Infact, SUN is a prominent god in many cultures and religions across the world. This is celebrated on seventh day (Sapthami) in the bright … Read more

Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose), procedure and benefits

In Sanskrit, supta (सुप्त) means ‘reclined‘, Vajra means ‘thunderbolt‘ and asana means ‘posture’. This is mainly useful in improving the digestive system and boosting our stamina. Although there are 14 variations in this supta vajrasana, practicing one and mastering it is enough to tone your body. … Read more

Yogasanas to increase Height Naturally, Grow Taller

The focus of these asanas is to create flexibility while controlling your breath. This flexibility and control will help you gain height on many levels. However, these methods will work only if your age allows you to grow naturally. After certain age (around 21-22) height growth … Read more

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) and Health Benefits

The Matsyasana (Fish Pose), is the counterpose to the Shoulder Stand (sarvangasana) and must always be practiced after it. The asana is a backbend, where the practitioner lies on his or her back and lifts the heart (anahata) chakra by rising up on the elbows and … Read more

Halasana (Plough Pose) Benefits

The Plough or Halasana completes the movement of Shoulderstand, bringing the feet and hands down to the floor to mould the body into the shape of a primitive plough. The name comes from the Sanskrit words hala (हला) meaning “plow” and asana (आसन) meaning “posture” or … Read more

Kakasana (Crow Pose) Benefits

Kakasana, the crow pose got its name because in this posture, the posture of a cawing crow – with the body’s weight supported on the elbows and hands and the head thrust well forward. One of the most valuable balancing poses, the Crow or Kakasana is … Read more