Partial Solar Eclipse 23 October 2014, Effects

This year’s last solar eclipse will be partial and occurs on 23 october 2014, but is visible only in North America and East of Russia before sunset. Usually, a partial solar eclipse occurs in the polar regions of the Earth when the center of the Moon’s … Read more

Total Lunar Eclipse October 8 2014, Effects

Total lunar eclipse will take place on October 8th, 2014, the last of two total lunar eclipses in this year. This eclipse will be visible over North America after midnight on Wednesday, October 8th, and visible from the Pacific, Australia, and East Asia after sunset on … Read more

Effects of Moon Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope

How to know if planet Moon Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Moon in Vedic Astrology is the controller of our Minds, water on earth, liquids in our body, pearls, mother (if you are born at night), milk, dairy business, cattle, rice, silver, … Read more

Jupiter combust 2014 July – August, Effects

Largest benefic planet Jupiter (Brihaspati) will be conjuct with Sun and to become combust for 30 days between 10 July 2014 (01:46 hrs IST) and 09 August 2014 (00:49 hrs IST). Jupiter goes combust and loses its power to give positive or negative effects whenever it … Read more

Solar Eclipse on 29 April 2014 Timings Effects

Annular Solar Eclipse will occur on April 29, 2014 as center of the moon’s shadow misses the south Pole of the Earth. This solar eclipse will be visible from parts of Antarctica and North Australia, where eclipse begins in evening and ends before sunset. Rest of … Read more