Astrology & Enjoyment of our sins by God

The stars or planets are the executives of the cycle of samskaras, karmas and their corresponding fruits which are totally called as cycle of deeds (karma charka). They are the executives of the judgments given by the judge (Dharma deva), who follows the constitution written by … Read more

Crystal Therapy for healing in Reiki

Since centuries our saints, sages and seers have been using crystals- replete with divine power and brightness in various ways to augment their spiritual energies and to protect themselves from negative thoughts, atmosphere and ailments. A crystal was always a mysterious or an extraordinary item for … Read more

12th house – Loss, Seperation and effects of Rahu Ketu

The discussions relating to the 12th house is somber and grave. It is not a house that relates to our materialistic side of life directly, it relates to the inner growth and liberation. Matters related to this house are profound and its predictions can be quite … Read more

Thermodynamics of Astrology – 3 Fundamental Laws

Thermodynamics is dealt in many subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics and even life sciences and explains micro cosmos to macro cosmos. Knowledge of thermodynamics is essential for all activities-power generation, atomic power, all chemical products, knowledge of cosmos and even understanding of biological evolution. But it … Read more

Role of Saturn and Neptune in Spiritual Path

In the biography of a Sufi practitioner who started his book by saying that Sufism basically knows three Paths: the path away from God, the path to God and the path in God. Sufism is a mystical tradition where God is the Beloved in the heart; … Read more

Retrograde Planets in Horoscope & Past Life Connections

In Astrology, a culture and the chart of an individual are significantly affected by the spin (or wobble) and movement of the planets. Most often, the planets (save for the Sun) rotate on their forward path. Then there’s a brief period, called the stationary period, when … Read more