Mercury Effects in Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26)

Mercury is the Sasyadhipati (Agriculture) and Neerasadhipati (diseases) for Vedic New Year Viswavasu Nama Samvatsara (2025-26). Agriculture lands get more expensive. Agricultural Scientists will discover new methods to cultivate more crops. Farmers make more profits compared to last year. Sale of rice, spices, cotton, tobacco, oil … Read more

Mercury in various houses of Navamsa Chart

Mercury rules over intelligence, judgement, learning abilities, writing, trading, friends, maternal relatives, accounting, sense of humor, skin, speech etc. Mercury in various Navamsa owned by different Planets Mercury in Own house (Gemini or Virgo) : One with the Mercury in own Navamsa will be very lazy, … Read more

Mercury Retrograde 2023 Dates & Effects

Mercury Retrograde 2023 occurs 4 times, one extra time than it does every year. During these days, it slows down and appears to transit in retrograde motion when compared to speed of earth and also gets combust due to close proximity with Sun. Before Mercury Retrograde … Read more

Transit Mercury in Aspects to Natal Pluto

Natal Pluto is the sign where your Pluto was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Pluto in Sagittarius, then your natal house is Sagittarius (Dhanus Rasi) and during transit, MERCURY forming conjunction (in Sagittarius), sextile … Read more

Transit Mercury in Aspects to Natal Neptune

Natal Neptune is the sign where your Neptune was placed during birth time, and from there other houses are calculated clock-wise. If you were born with Neptune in Sagittarius, then your natal house is Sagittarius (Dhanus Rasi) and during transit, MERCURY forming conjunction (in Sagittarius), sextile … Read more