Predictions for birth number 2 and fadic number 5

Method to calculate birth number and fadic number : If you are born on dates 2,11,20,29 of any month, then your birth number is 2. The single number remaining after adding up numbers in date, is taken. How to find your fadic number : if you … Read more

Predictions for birth number 1 and fadic number 5

Method to calculate birth number and fadic number : If you are born on dates 1,10,19,28 of any month, then your birth number is 1. The single number remaining after adding up numbers in date, is taken. How to find your fadic number : if you … Read more

Interaction of number 5 with other numbers

When your date of birth is 5,14,23 you are under influence of number 5 in numerology. You are stoic in nature, you can bear any calamity with a smile, and you have the most wonderful elasticity of character. You rebound quickly from the heaviest blow and … Read more

Destiny Number or Fadic Number 5

The Frivolous Five In many ancient cultures the number Five was revered as the number of life and vitality. The five-pointed star and the pentagon symbolize the number Five. In the story of creation, God is said to have used the power of five to link … Read more