Number 8 in Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 8 , if you are born on 8,17,26 dates of any month. Your Personality and Traits You are strong tough and can be ruthless. You enjoy continuous hassles and struggle for power. Dynamic and independent, you dislike dependence. You are … Read more

How to find total effects of current Vimsottari Dasa

How to judge whether a planet is benefic or malefic during its vimsottari dasa? If it is significator of 3rd house, it will make the person more courageous, creative and will help him/her to write and publish but at the same time it will cause him/her … Read more

Origin of unequal division of Vimsottari Dasa System

In Vedic Astrology, among all the Dasa systems formulated by sage Parasar, the Vimsottari dasa system is most popular and widely used. Though Varahamihir extensively used Moola Dasa system and used planetary positions in Shashtyama chart (D-60) to predict exact dates of events, based on past … Read more